Friday, July 2, 2010

Start A Blog in 5 Minutes - A great tactic for finding a job

Yesterday I'd been scheduled to give a blogging workshop at a local networking group for unemployed professionals, BoulderNet. This is a wonderful group and the leadership really inspired me when I was unemployed. Unfortunately, there was a communication mixup, so I wasn't able to speak after all, but I have an alternative for those who want to learn to blog:

A full set of video tutorials is available for free at Listen to the first two videos and you will have a blog up and running on Google's blogger in less than 5 minutes.(Blogger's the blogging platform I'm using for this blog.) Then you can sign up for free to get a link to the full set of 118 videos and learn all kinds of cool tricks and tips. I signed up almost a year ago and I haven't received a bit of spam from this site. And I learned so much! I highly recommend it.

Other posts that you may find interesting:

Picking a Blogging Platform
How to get Your Blog Blasted Everywhere
The Ultimate Job Search Using 10 Social Media Tools
How Blogging Got Me the Perfect Job

I highly recommend blogging, particularly for those who are looking for a job. It's a wonderful way to network, establish credibility, and learn so much yourself. The resources that are available for free via the web are absolutely incredible! We have the whole world at our fingertips... tutorials, white papers, blogs, and best of all, experts in every field that will help and support you! Take advantage of it! Learn and then give back, by passing it on!
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